If He Is Ignoring You Use The No Contact Rule And Male Psychology To Make Him Chase You Again}


Submitted by: H.L. Archer

The most frustrating action your ex boyfriend can take after he tells you he needs some space is ignoring you.You feel that whatever is bothering him could be solved if he would just sit down and talk to you. But he will not even take your phone calls or answer your email and text messages. How can you tell him how much you love him and need him unless you can have contact with him? You can’t, and it is lucky for you that he is ignoring you at this time. That might sound a little harsh, but let me explain.

The truth is, you should not have any contact with your ex boyfriend at this time. He is actually doing you a favor by refusing to talk to you. Nothing would be accomplished except more hurt and rejection for you. By not answering your attempts to communicate with him, he is forcing you to use the no contact rule. The way your emotions are running at an all time high and as angry as he still is, you should have no contact for at least a month. You both need a cooling off period to put things in focus.


By chasing your ex, you will only be making yourself seem pushy and desperate. Stop and think of how you got his interest to begin with. You did not chase him. You played a little hard to get and made him chase you. Male psychology will tell you that men feel it is their place to do the chasing and they resent being chased. They actually enjoy a challenge and appreciate a woman making herself unavailable at times. It stirs up their hunter gene and makes them feel as if they are fulfilling their rightful role in the mating process.

The best way to spark his interest is to drop out of sight for a while and have no contact with him at all. Let him see that you can accept the breakup and have a life without him. Reconnect with your family and go out and have a good time. When your ex boyfriend hears of how well you are doing without him, he will gain respect for you. But, he will also start to feel uneasy and wonder how you could have gotten over him so soon. He will begin thinking of the good times he had with you and begin to miss you.

That is the key to getting your ex back – making him miss you. Take a look at yourself, the reason you are so desperate to get your ex back, is because you miss him so much. By hearing that you are out having a good time, he will be afraid of losing you for good. Male psychology will also tell you that men always want what they cannot have. Since you have had no contact with him for a while, he will see you as being unavailable again. Just as at the start of your relationship, this will be a challenge for him and he will be chasing you again.

About the Author: If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are

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to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this

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