Ab Cs Of The Best Homeschool Curriculum}


ABCs of the Best Homeschool Curriculum


Alpha Omega Publications

Wondering whats the best homeschool curriculum Christian parents can use to successfully educate their child? If youre like most homeschool parents, you probably spend countless hours researching different products to find the perfect resource to improve your homeschooling experience. Although quality, Christian homeschool materials do provide excellent academic learning opportunities, you may be surprised to learn the best homeschool curriculum is actually YOU! Thats right! Like a living, 3-D textbook, your life is constantly on display and read daily by your child. Therefore, with such a great responsibility to influence your childs education, what attitudes and actions should be consistently shown in your life as a Christian homeschooling parent? Consider the following ABCs to successful homeschooling:

A Attentive. Be sensitive to your childs learning edge and customize your curriculum to meet his interests. Use the benefits of one-on-one interaction to make the most of your teaching time.

B Brave. Be ready to face the challenges from those who question your decision to homeschool. Going against the educational flow will require strength of character to speak the truth in love.

C Christ-like. With Jesus Christ at the center of your homeschool, let the Holy Spirit guide you through the work that lies ahead in teaching your children.

D Disciplined. Be willing to submit to Gods authority and live in obedience to His Word.

E Enthusiastic. Love learning yourself and your children will love to learn, too.

F Friendly. No man is an island. Develop relationships with other homeschooling families. Not only will your children appreciate the social interaction, but you will also enjoy the encouragement from other homeschool parents.

G Grateful. Teaching your children is a privilege. Be thankful with a humble spirit.

H Hardworking. Determine to complete the endless, daily tasks of maintaining a home and homeschooling your children.

I Ingenious. Creative thinking is a must to keep learning fun and inspirational.

J Jolly. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine (Proverbs 17:22). Have fun when youre teaching and learn to laugh at yourself when you make mistakes.

K Kind. Let your speech and actions show the tender love of Christ. After all, it takes just as much energy to say and do something nice as it does to do something mean.

L Long-suffering. Homeschooling is a life-long adventure with lasting benefits. Its always too early to quit!

M Mushy. When it comes to homeschooling children, sincere words of appreciation, hugs, and kisses are always a good idea.

N Neat. As much as possible, keep your home clean and tidy.

O Organized. Keep up with lesson plans, grading, and transcripts to meet state requirements.

P Professional. Since homeschooling is Gods job for you, work to the best of your ability and dont let a half-hearted approach ruin your homeschooling day.

Q Quiet. Your calm spirit provides the peaceful learning environment your children need to learn best.

R Respectful. Never make fun of your children. Remember that every question is a good question, no matter how many you answer each day.

S Smiley. Let Gods love be reflected in a happy faceJ. Smiles are contagious.

T Teachable. Teachers never know it all, so keep learning right along with your children.

U Unselfish. Share all that you have to help your children succeed. The rewards always outweigh the costs.

V Virtuous. Be a truthful homeschooling parent who displays integrity in thought, word, and deed. Mean what you say and do what you promise.

W Worshipful. Show your children how to come before a holy God as you sing and give praise for the many blessings in your life.

X EXemplary Since children learn best by example, you are the best homeschool curriculum theyll ever have!

Y Youthful. Stay young at heart and never grow too old to play with your children.

Z Zealous. Protect your homeschooling rights. Defend the cause by keeping informed and getting involved in your states political process.

Learn how to find the

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and successfully educate your children at home. Create a learning environment your children are sure to enjoy with the

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ABCs of the Best Homeschool Curriculum}